
onsdag 12 mars 2014

About the future of Word of Life Missions.

This is my statement about the future of Word of Life's missions work in the light of Pastor Ulf Ekman's decision to be received into the Catholic Church.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Dear Friend!

As Missions director of Word of Life’s international work, I would like to write a few lines to you regarding what you have read in the letter from pastor Ulf and Birgitta and their decision. I want you to be informed about and to feel secure concerning what this will mean to our continued work in Sweden and across the world.

First of all: I have full confidence in pastor Ulf and Birgitta as persons, and to the fact that they listen to and are led by the Holy Spirit. I don’t question their choice, but believe with them that this is the Holy Spirit’s guidance for their personal lives. I wish them all God’s blessing from the depth of my heart. The step they now take of course affects the future, but it will change nothing of all that has been achieved up till now. I feel an enormous gratitude for the fantastic and unique foundation they have laid in the work of Word of Life, both in and outside of Sweden!

This information can of course arouse questions and wonderings about their personal way and choices. I am reminded about when Peter turned to Jesus to ask about John’s way onward, maybe so out of care, maybe worries or concern for him. Jesus clearly signalled where Peter’s focus ought to be; ”You follow me!” In other words, don’t be to much preoccupied with the concerns of others – questions that maybe never will get the complete, comprehensive answers we might wish – rather “Follow me” and leave all others in the secure hands of the Lord. Word of Life has always been about faith, and faith is to trust the Lord and in His guidance, also in the lives of others.

On basis of what you have read in pastor Ulf’s and Birgitta’s letter, it is important for us at Word of Life, to let you know what this concretely means for our future, for Word of Life in Uppsala and not the least for our international work.

As you all now, pastor Ulf has already passed on the shepherd’s staff for the church in Uppsala. In the same way he has also passed on the responsibility for Word of Life’s mission’s work. He has gone into retirement and thereby leaves all remaining responsibilities within Word of Life’s work. This step he and Birgitta now takes is, as you have read, their own step and is done out of a personal word from God. This step is therefore independent from Word of Life and its work. We are in full agreement and unity in this.

When it comes to the work of Word of Life, we will continue to strive after stronger unity with the greater Body of Christ. This we do out of the clear and specific identity as an evangelical, charismatic church. This has been our identity from the beginning and will continue to be so. This is not changing. We have full unity concerning this within the leadership of Word of Life, and we share a deep and strong commitment to our shared vision and mission onward.

As you might have heard in reports from us, we are experiencing a wonderful tailwind from the Holy Spirit in our work today. God does fantastic things both in our church that is growing, as well as in the mission’s fields where the work continues to be strengthened and expanding. We feel a great joy and inspiration to run ahead with the vision God has given us, and will continue to build on the strong and solid ground that has been laid. Thank you for standing together with us!

The vision of Word of Life remains. We will continue:
to equip God’s people with His word of faith and spirit of faith!

·      to defend and stand up for the living word of God in times when it is questioned by liberal theology and secularisation.
·      to effectively work with missions until the good news of Jesus Christ has reached every people.
·      to train and equip pastors and leaders across the world, so that they in their turn can take the work to their countries and people.
·      to teach and live in the Holy Spirit’s supernatural reality.
·      to stand up for the truth, for the dignity of life, family and human value.
·      to be God’s outstretched hand of mercy to the weak, hungry and poor in the world.
·      to bless Israel and wish Jerusalem and the Jewish people peace.
·      to equip the next generation for a radical and committed liv for Jesus and give them the best possible conditions to go further for Jesus than anyone before them.

This is Word of Life! This is our calling, our dream and our passion. This is the way that we will go, now and onward and something that you can be fully secure with.

We believe that you as a dear old time friend of Word of Life say yes and amen to this in your heart, and again we want to tell you how thankful we are for your prayers and for standing together with us in the work.

We look forward to continue to build the kingdom of God together with you and lift up the name of Jesus over this entire world until he returns!

With Christ, for the whole world!

Christian Åkerhielm                            
Missions Director, Word of Life

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